100% Sweet Cafe | San Mateo, CA

100% Sweet Cafe is a Hong Kong style cafe in downtown San Mateo that specaliizes in Hong Kong styel snacks, desserts, and other cha chaan teng fare. The desserts are the highlight. Service is attentive, though completely hit-or-miss, in terms of speed. Seating is cramped in the style of Hong Kong.

Mango pomelo sago (楊枝甘露) or yeung ji gum lo is a classic HK style dessert served in a bottle (there is the standard option as well). It is chilled, fresh, and sweet.

Almond milk, served hot, is not sweet, but could use more egg whites overall.

Dun dan is decent here. The texture is creamy and flavor is subtle.

Crepes are puffy and fresh; best rendiion in the local area.

Egg puffs: Hit-or-miss. Sometimes the texture is crispy and crunchy with soft insides, while other times, it is soft all around, or almost burnt. In any case, the vanilla flavor is light here.

Creme brulee: Great taste and texture. Creamy and sweet, with a nicely burnt top.



100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe

100% Sweet Cafe
205 E 4th Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401